Reiki Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh
Reiki Teacher Training Course is a spiritual and healing art. Reiki can be done by everyone who is able to generate healing energy. Reiki teacher training will not only give you an opportunity to integrate a new approach to healing in your practice but also can help to protect yourself from negativity.
It is advised to be very careful about safety techniques and not to accumulate negative energy in yourself.
What Is Reiki?
is a Japanese technique that is used to heal physical and mental disorders, and increase the amount of vital energy and well-being. In Japanese, the word “rei” refers to a higher intelligence that permeates all living and nonliving entities and guides the inherent functioning of the universe.
The word “ki” refers to the nonphysical energy that flows through everything that is alive, including plants, animals, and human beings-because of this, ki is also often called “life force energy,” and is known as qi or chi from other lineages. The combination of these two words is what defines reiki as “spiritually guided life-force energy.
How Does Reiki Teacher Training Course Work?
To offer a Reiki session a practitioner should learn the basic principles of energy anatomy, nadis, and chakras of the body. Then the Reiki practitioner will learn how to accumulate energy from the environment and nature.
In the next step, the Reiki Master will open the palms of the student so that he or she can start to transfer energy through the hands to the patient or the client. Please note that the energy that students used to transfer is not their own energy but energy force that was accumulated from the natural source.
``Reiki can be done by everyone who has desire to heal. Question is this - what kind of energy you can transfer to others if you are not stable. Reiki required purification of body and mind first, then you can see effect on your client.`` - Dr. S.K Pandey
What Are The Main Techniques Of Reiki?
1- Purification
2 -Balancing
3 – Energizing
In the last process of healing the energy of the Reiki practitioner will penetrate the body of the client. It will result in an increasing level of vital energy in the client’s body. It raises awareness in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are contained.
This causes the negative energy such as stress, anxiety, physical pain, sadness, confusion, etc.-to loosen its grip, allowing the touch of the Reiki healer to swoop in and clarify the energy pathways. Reiki is different from Prana healing. In Prana healing, the master is using his own energy, in Reiki energy is mainly from a natural source.
That’s why it is very important to know rules and protective mechanisms otherwise the performance of Reiki can be dangerous.
What is the difference between levels I, II, and II?
Level I – general information about energy channels, human anatomy, chakra system. Learning of purification techniques, and detailed explanation of main Reiki symbols.
Level II – principles of energy transferring, palm opening, purification, balancing, and energizing of the client. Safety techniques. Work with a healthy client.
Level III – work with plants, and animals, distance Reiki, and work with sick people.
Our Reiki Teacher Training Course Program- Level I, II & III
Duration | Study Days | Free Day | Graduation | Price |
11 Days/10 Nights | Monday-Saturday | Sunday | Certificate Of Reiki Master | 680 USD In Double Shared Room 700 USD In Private Room |
The Vedansha Insitute of Vedic Sciences and alternative medicine is accredited by International Yoga Alliance (USA) and the Alternative medical council Calcutta (India) and offers I, II & III Levels of education in Reiki Teacher Training Course
Reiki Teacher Training Course Is Suitable For the:
- Beginners & intermediate students who have an interest in Reiki.
- For people who already learned yoga and want to learn more about Reiki.
You Will Learn:
- Main energy centers, chakras, energy activation, balancing & purification, self-protection, energy work with a client, how to give Reiki session directly/indirectly. Reiki for healthy and sick people, distance Reiki and palm opening. Additionally, you will be able to learn Asanas according to Hatha and Ashtanga Styles, Pranayamas, Meditation theory, Mantra, Yogic Nutrition, information about your aura problems (chakra imbalance)
Includes in Reiki Teacher Training Course –
- Certificate of Reiki Teacher
- Theoretical and practical classes
- Mala (a string of beads) energized by our Guru Ji Yogachariya Dr.
- S.K. Pandey, Ph.D. (Yoga & Naturopathy).
- 10 nights accommodation.
- Wi-Fi.
- 3 times yogic nutrition, beverages.
- Study materials.
- Cleansing Kit.
- T-shirts (1) with the symbolism of school.
- 1 excursion in Himalaya.
- 1 short aura check-up.
- 1 ayurvedic massage.
- Accompanying and supporting during the time of staying in the Institute, the help provided 24 Hours.
Optional For Moderate Payment
- Pick up and drop off.
- Other ayurvedic procedures.
- Ayurvedic doctor conculatation.
- The number of excursions is more than mentioned above.
- Detailed Aura check-up with providing of a written report about Aura statement, disturbances in Aura if they are present, supporting methods, and treatment advice of naturopathic
- Specialist (the individual plan of asana postures, pranayama, herbs, and meditative practice).
- Detailed horoscope assessment.
- Extra night of accommodation.
Time table of Reiki Teacher Training Course
06:00 – 06:30 | Wake Up And Cleansing. |
06:30 – 07:00 | Shatkriya And Herbal Tea (Yogic Cleansing With Jala Neti (Special Techniques Of Nose Cleansing), Pooja (Mantra Recitation & Fire Ceremony Purification). |
07:00 – 08:30 | Asanas practical class for developing of stability |
08:30 – 09:30 | Pranayama: breathing exercises. |
09:30 – 10:30 | Breakfast: Special Yogic Menu. |
10:30 – 11:30 | Reiki guided session. |
11:30 – 12:30 | Reiki self practice on models |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 – 15:00 | Free Time. |
15:00 – 16:00 | Reiki instructed practice with patient. |
16:00 – 17:00 | Human body energy and physical body anatomy |
17:30 – 18:30 | Yoga Nidra/ guided Meditation: guided relaxation practice, meditation and concentration. |
18:30 – 19:30 | Dinner. |
19:30- 22:00 | Free Time. |
22:00 – 06:00 | Sleep. |
Note:- Time table can be changed during to teaching process.
Yoga-Philosophical Aspects, Yoga-Practical Aspects, Pranayama, Meditation, Anatomy & Physiology, Mantra, Teaching methodology -> see 100 Hours Yoga TTC
Teaching Plan
Reiki Level I Basic
- What is Reiki
- History of Reiki
- Practical aspects of Reiki
- Preparing space for Reiki practice
- Reiki symbols
- Preparing Hands for practice
- Reiki and Prana
- Difference between
- Prana and Reiki healing
- Nourishment of Reiki Teacher
- Reiki connection and medical science
- Elements of Reiki
- Body Scan
- Cleansing procedures
- Energising procedures
- Self-treatment
- Teaching methodology
- Principles of teaching Reiki I
Reiki Level II Intermediate
- Opening and closing treatment
- Chakra system and Reiki
- Chakra balancing
- Auric healing
- Resources of prana
- Self-protection
- Step-by-step Guidance with Clients
- Documentation of treatment
- Reiki treatment of children
- Reiki treatment of seniors
- Reiki and Animals
- Crystal healing Reiki
- Opening of energy channels
- Distance transferring of energy
- Ethic and responsibility of Reiki teacher
- Teaching methodology
- Principles of teaching Reiki II
Reiki Level III Advanced
- Case study
- Reiki and breathing Technics that helps to increase the strength of your Reiki energy
- Water and Reiki energy
- Food and Reiki energy
- Meditation and Reiki
- Reiki treatment of musculoskeletal system disorders
- Reiki treatment of respiratory system disorders
- Reiki treatment of nervous system disorders
- Reiki treatment of gastrointestinal system disorders
- Reiki treatment of urogenital system disorders
- Reiki treatment of cardiovascular system disorders
- Reiki treatment on the distance
- Studies
- Reiki protective mantras and prayers
- Teaching methodology
- Principles of teaching Reiki III
Yoga-Practical Aspects For Increasing The Prana Energy Level
- Natural relaxation asana
- Natural standing asana with external rotations
- Forward bending asana
- Backward extensions
- Spinal twisting asana
- Inverted asana
- Balancing asana
- Surya-Namaskara
- Meditation asana
- Thunder-Bolt (vajrasana) group asana
- Lotus (Padmasana) group asana
- Asana concept and master sequence
Pranayama And Mudras For Increasing The Prana Energy Level
- Introduction to pranayama
- Basic pranayama techniques and benefits (abdominal breathing, preparational breathing, Kapalabhati, Nadi Shodana with / without retention, Surya Bheda, )
- The pranic body
- Parana and lifestyle
- Breathe, health, and pranayama
- Breathing and lifespan
- Kriyas (body cleansing methods) including Neti, Kapalabhati, Trataka, and Shanka Prakshalana
- What is mudra and bandha
- Dyana, Ajali, Prithvi, Varuna, Shakti, Gyana, Chin, Shambhavi, Khechari Mudra
- Moola, Uddyana Bandha
- Standard Meditation Practice (Om Meditation, Trataka, Yoga Nidra, Sound meditation, Mantra meditation, Nadis Meditation, 5 elements meditation, Breath meditation, Hamso meditation, Ajapa/japa, Ida/Pingala spinal rotation, Hridayakasha Dharana, Panchaprana Dharana, Pranava Dhyana, Sakshi Meditation, Akasha Meditation, Vipassana practice)
- Visualisation & concentration
- How meditation can be helpful for the Reiki practice
- Obstacles in meditation
- Concept of meditation Step by step
- Postures for meditation practice
- How to increase the level of energy for Reiki
- Standard Mantras (Guru, Ganesh Mantra, Shakti Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, Shanti Mantra, Shiva Mantra, 5 elements mantra, So Ham, AUM, Lakshmi Mantra, Vishnu Mantra, Mantra for health, business, children) Yoga therapy/Ayurveda
- Using of standard meditation methods for protection and increasing effect of Reiki practice