Spiritual Yoga Retreat
Spiritual Yoga retreat in Rishikesh India is one of the hidden and most popular retreats. Rishikesh is a world capital of Yoga. It is a point where Himalaya starts. You can find more then 100 different Ashrams in Rishikesh itself. Every of them follows particular tradition. If you wish to immerse in spiritual part of yoga then this retreat will be suitable for your choice.
It is focused on vedic rituals, mantra, yandala, mandala, meditation, pranayama with yogic lifestyle and meal. It will help to open hidden and ancient part of our memory, activate brain, improve concentration, develop intuition, and in some cases even discover clairvoyance and other powerful yogic techniques.
Our Program
Duration | Retreat Days | Free Day | Activity | Price |
15 Days/14 Nights | Monday-Saturday | Sunday | 1 Excursion In Himalaya2 Ayurvedic Massage | Twin Shared Room – 835 US) Private Room – 935 USD

The Vedansha Insitute of Vedic sciences and alternative medicine is accredited by International Yoga Alliance (USA) and Alternative medical council Colcatta (India) and offers 100 Spiritual Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India
Spiritual Yoga Retreat Benefits
- you will learn deeper vedic science in form of Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Vedanta
- you will learn correct interpretation of Yogic sutras
- you will learn basic sanskrit and be able to understand deep sense of mantra
- you will be different from other yoga practitioners who focus more on asana practice
- you will be able to understand ancient traditional vedic secrets of harmony and balanced life
- you will get focused only on spiritual part of yoga
- you will be able to teach yoga philosophy to others
This Course Is Suitable For
- beginners, intermediate & advanced students
- for already yoga teachers who want to go deeper in spiritual part of yoga and learn philosophy, meditation, vedic rituals
- for people who want to improve their knowledge in yoga philosophy
You Will Learn
Ancient vedic and yoga philosophy of Bhagavad Gita, Pranayama, Meditation theory, Meditation practice, Patanjali Sutras, Puranas, Upanishads, How to assess meditative state scientifically, Mantra, Pooja, Yandala & Mantra principles*, Elements of Ayurveda and get important information about your aura problems (chakra imbalance)
- theoretical and practical skills
- mala (string of beads) energised by our Guru Ji Yogachariya Dr. S.K.Pandey, PhD (Yoga & Naturopathy)
- 14 nights accomodation
- WiFi
- 3 times of yogic nutrition , beverages
- study materials
- cleansing Kit
- Tshirts (1) with symbolic of school
- 1 excursion in Himalaya
- 1 short aura check up
- 1 ayurvedic massage
- accomponing and supporting during time of staying in the Institute, help provided 24 Hours

Optional For Moderate Payment:
- pick up and drop
- other ayurvedic procedures
- ayurvedic doctor consultation
- number of excursions more than mentioned above
- detailed Aura checkup with providing of written report about Aura statement, disturbances in Aura if they are present, supporting methods and treatment advices of naturopathic specialist (individual plan of asana postures, pranayama, herbs, meditative practice)
- detailed horoscope assessment
- extra night of accomodation
06:00 – 06:30 | Wake Up And Cleansing. |
06:30 – 07:00 | Shatkriya and herbal tea (yogic cleansing with Jala neti (special techniques of nose cleansing) |
07:00 – 08:30 | Pranayama: breathing exercises |
08:30 – 09:30 | Yoga philosophy |
09:30 – 10:30 | Breakfast: special yogic menu. |
10:30 – 11:30 | Sanskrit and mantra class |
11:30 – 12:30 | Free time |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 – 16:00 | Free time/Visit of Spiritual temple, ceremony |
16:00 – 17:30 | Spiritual Yoga practice |
17:30 – 18:30 | Meditation: guided relaxation practice, meditation and concentration |
18:30 – 19:30 | Dinner. |
19:30 – 22:00 | Free Time. |
22:00 – 06:00 | Sleep. |

- Introduction to sanskrit letters, writing, reading and correct pronunciation
- Hidden sense of Sanskrit
- Power of Sanskrit Texts
- DNA and Sanskrit letters
Bhagavad Gita
- I Chapter Visada Yoga – The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna
- II Chapter Sankhya Yoga – The Yoga of Knowledge
- III Chapter Karma Yoga – The Yoga of action
- IV Chapter Jnana Yoga – The Yoga of knowledge as well as disciplines of action and knowledge
- V Chapter Karma Vairagya Yoga – The Yoga of discipline and knowledge
- VI Abhyasa Yoga – The Yoga of self control
- VII Paramahamsa Vijnana Yoga – Knowledge of Nirguna Brahma & Manifest Divinity
- VII Aksara Parabrahman Yoga – The yoga of indestructible Brahma
- IX Raja Vidya Guhya Yoga – The Yoga of sovereign science and sovereign secret
- X Vibhuti Vistara Yoga – The Yoga of divine Glories
- XI Visvarupa Darsana Yoga – The yoga of vision of the universal form
- XII Bhakti Yoga – The Yoga of devotion
- XIII – Ksetra-ksetrajna Vibhaga Yoga – The yoga between discrimination of the field and knower of the field
- XIV- Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga – The Yoga of division of 3 Gunas
- XVIII- Moksa Opadesa Yoga – The Yoga of liberation through the pass of knowledge and self-surrender
- XV – Purusottama Yoga – The Yoga of the supreme person
- XVI – Daivasura Sampad Vibhaga Yoga – The Yoga of division between device and demoniacal properties
XVII – Sraddhatraya Vibhaga Yoga – The Yoga of division of threefold faith
- Meaning, sense and application
- 13 main Upanishads
- Brihadaranyaka
- Chandogya
- Kena
- Aitareya
- Kaushitaki
- Katha
- Mundaka
- Taittriyaka
- Brihadaranyaka
- Svetasvatara
- Isa
- Prasna
- Mandukya
- Maitri
- Main and sub-traditions of Vedanta
- Vedanta Orthodox & Heterodox
- Advaita (non-dualism), Vishishtadvaita (qualified non-dualism), and Dvaita
- Bhedabheda
- Dvaitadvaita
- Achintya Bheda Abheda
- Shuddhadvaita
Philosophical & Theoretical Aspects:
- Human Life: Meaning & Aim of Life.
- Yoga, Meditation – Introduction / its Origin & Development.
- Introduction of Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutra, relation to meditation
- Panch-Klesha (Five Causes Of Pain & Miseries)
- Yama, Niyama (social and personal rules and regulations) Asana (physical posture), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the mind from the senses), Dharna (concentration), Dhayan (meditation), Samadhi (self-realization)
- Classification of meditation
- Different types of yoga meditation & how to choose the suitable one
- Obstacles in meditative practice & how to overcome them
- Stages in the Yogic experiences and its achievements by birth or through training
- Samadhi. Philosophical and practical aspect. Is it possible to achieve?
- Philosophical aspects of Mudra & Bandha
Pranayama & Mudras
- Basic Pranayama Techniques & Benefits for Mediatation (Neti, Kapalabhati, Nadi Shodana with retention and without retention, bastrika, surya bheda)
- Practical aspects of mudra and bandha
- Nadi and their role in Meditation
- Prana and Lifestyle
- Breathing and life span
- Kriyas (Body Cleansing Methods): (Neti, Kapalabhati, kunjali)
- Basic Meditation Practice (OM Meditation, Breath awareness Meditation, Trataka, Yoga Nidra, Sound Meditation, Sakshi Meditation, Nadi meditation, 5 elements meditation)
Mandala & Yantra
- Meaning, types, application
- What is a purpose of Madala & Yantra
- How to make Mandala & Yantra Yourself
Pooja Or Fire Ceremony
- Purpose, types
- How to perform the fire ceremony
- Pooja for well being, health, wedding, childbirth, success in business
- How to achieve success in meditation, how to overcome difficulties in meditation
- Basic Mantras, correct pronunciation, understanding and chanting of mantra
Spiritual Yoga Retreat Schedule In Rishikesh 2024-25
Course | Starting Date | Ending date | Booking |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-January-2023 | 30-January-2023 | Booked |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-February-2023 | 15-February-2023 | Booked |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-February-2023 | 30-February-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-March-2023 | 15-March-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-March-2023 | 30-March-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-April-2023 | 15-April-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-April-2023 | 30-April-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-May-2023 | 15-May-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-May-2023 | 30-May-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-June-2023 | 15-June-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-June-2023 | 30-June-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-July-2023 | 15-July-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-July-2023 | 30-July-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-August-2023 | 15-August-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-August-2023 | 30-August-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-September-2023 | 15-September-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-September-2023 | 30-September-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-October-2023 | 15-October-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-October-2023 | 30-October-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-November-2023 | 15-November-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-November-2023 | 30-November-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-December-2023 | 15-December-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-December-2023 | 30-December-2023 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-January-2024 | 15-January-2024 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-January-2024 | 30-January-2024 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 01-February-2024 | 15-February-2024 | Apply Now |
Spiritual Yoga Retreat | 15-February-2024 | 30-February-2024 | Apply Now |
NOTE:- If 1,15th is Sunday then class will be start on 2,16th.