Who We Are
Vedansha – The Institute of vedic science and alternative medicine founded by Yogacharya Dr Sanjeev Pandey Ji . We cover education in whole vedic science (yoga & meditation, ayurveda, vedic astrology & vastu). Our special retreat programs help people to control their emotions, remove fears, to improve their life, find harmony and happiness. Therapy courses will help to support common and non-curative diseases.
The founder, Yogacharya Dr Sanjeev Pandey, m.sc., (PhD yoga therapy& naturopathy) is a himalayan yogi in 7-th generation. He keeps family and university tradition of yoga during his long teaching practice and provides education and supplementary treatment according to the high level of ancient and modern standard of vedic science. Our institute accredited by international yoga alliance USA, our school is a member of IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapists)
We Are Member Of International Association Of Yoga Therapy (AIYT)
Since 2018 we are the member school of IAYT and proceeding since 1,5 years the accreditation process in order to be the first school in Rishikesh and third school in India who allows to conduct International certified Yoga Therapy education.
Yogacharya Dr Sanjeev Pandey spent more the 20 000 hours in deep meditative state Samadhi in himalayan mountains during his individual practice. He has more than 35 years of teaching experience of students from more than 160 countries.
- We are only one Institute of vedic science in world capital of yoga Rishikesh
( Our work includes not only teaching of students, but also global scientific research in Yoga and cooperation with european doctors that makes our yoga programs safe, verified with applied evident result for you. We teach variety of sciences like yoga, ayurveda, astrology, vastu and share with you our experience)
- We accredited by Yoga alliance USA. And we are the member of IAYT (International Association of Yoga Therapy). It means our programs fulfill international standard of yoga education and designed with maximal security for our clients
- We have only high qualified certified teachers (Doctors, Acharyas) and provide authentic knowledge of yogic tradition https://www.vedansha.com/team/
(We take care about quality of our Staff and don’t save money on good and experienced teachers. We don’t provide students of yoga academy who has not much experience and can give unsafe classes. We are interested that after our training you can teach your own students with confidence!)
- Special Location
(We located in special spiritual place Moksha Ashram. It means that many years continuously here were performed the yogic practice, purification, pray & chanting by famous spiritual Gurus, Yoga Masters that reached their enlightenment. Practicing yoga here will help you to reach faster effect from your own practice – deep state of concentration)
- Only We offer free of charge aura check up
(because we believe that every student needs individual way and we try to recognize your state of energy body with aura check up, reveal your chakra imbalance, find problems in your astrological natal map before classes, then you will participate in the special developed yogic class that based on purification, ayurvedic principles of vata, pitta & kapha types of personality with their disbalance, special methods of asana, pranayama, meditation techniques that help to correct disturbances of the body and reach desired effect of yogic practice. It doesn’t matter if you come to study, retreat or just some classes. At the end of the course we perform the control check up of the aura to show you the evident base result of our work!!!
- Our study materials are suitable for everyone
(created according to international study requirements in Vedic Science and adapt for easily understanding for every student. We use special technical, visual, written, material to make our classes diverse and study process effective with desired results)
- We have no hidden costs

What we teach?
Our students could get basic, intermediate and advanced knowledge of asana, pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation, ayurveda, naturopathy, astrology, yoga therapy in Rishikesh or get degree, diploma and certificates in alternative medicine through on-line or distance education. ( See online courses and distance courses )
What we treat?
Modern science developed very fast but many diseases can’t be treated only by allopathic medicine. It comes time when alternative medicine is needed to wake-up. We are happy to propose the supportive treatment chance for our patients with the help of alternative methods. Many chronic and non-curative diseases can be supported with yogic, ayurvedic or astrological methods.
If you don’t interested in teacher training and or particular therapy join to our variety of retreat, vacation or camp programs! Definitely you could find something appropriate for you.