Yoga Detox Retreat
Yoga detox retreat in Rishikesh India is a perfect combination of yoga and ayurveda. Yoga detox retreat in Rishikesh will help you to recharge your body and calm your mind.
-rejuvenate your body with help of ayurvedic herbs & ayurvedic massages
-learn traditional spiritual yoga practice with asana, pranayama, meditation, yoga philosophy and mantra
-special ayurvedic meal with help you to normalize your metabolism and daily bowel movements
-you could also reduce weight during this program*
-know how to heal yourself with ayurvedic herbs and yoga methods
-meet new friends to share your experience
-learn ancient ayurvedic tradition from the source in world capital of yoga in Rishikesh Himalaya India
-enjoy the nature by excursion in the Himalaya
*please consult our staff about details

When yoga detox retreat will be beneficial you
by fatigue and general body weakness
by burn out syndrome
by chronic stress
if you can not smile as before and feel difficulties in communication with others
if you feel very often angry or/and anxiety
general dissatisfaction with life
if you have insomia
if you suffer from weight problems and food consumption problems
by any chronic disease
if you need to find yourself
if you search balance for body & mind
Starts every day all year around except weekends!
Duration | Retreat days | Excursion | Massage and steam | Price |
8 days/7 nights | Monday-Saturday | 1 | 2 | 465 USD with private accommodation |
11 days/10 nights | Monday-Saturday | 1 | 3 | 650 USD with private accommodation |
15 days/14 nights | Monday-Saturday | 1 | 4 | 870 USD shared twin accommodation 950 USD private accommodation |
22 days/21 nights | Monday-Saturday | 2 | 5 | 1280 USD shared twin accommodation 1525 USD with private accommodation |
31 days/30 nights | Monday-Saturday | 2 | 6 | 1820 USD shared twin accommodation 2200 USD with private accommodation |
The Vedansha Insitute of Vedic sciences and alternative medicine in Himalaya accredited by International Yoga Alliance (USA) and presents a Yoga Detox retreat program to purify your body from toxins, normalize your metabolism
- Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation classes.
- Health consultation.
- Individual detox program.
- Herbal treatment and juices
- Ayurvedic massages.
- Steam therapy.
- 2 brief aura check ups.
- Excursions depends on number of program days (see above).
- 1 T-shirt with the school symbol.
- 3 daily vegetarian meals.
- Ayurvedic massages & steam(amount depends on days of retreat – 2 (8d), 3 (11d), 4 (15d), 5 (22d), 6 (31d)
- Herbal & Fruit Juices (amount depends on days of retreat – 6 (8d), 9 (11d), 13 (15d), 10 (22d), 29 (31d)
- Accommodation
- Excursion in Himalaya (amount depends on days of retreat – 1 (8d), 1 (11d), 1 (15d), 2 (22d), 2 (31d)
- Feet Detox (amount depends on days of retreat – 1 (8d), 2 (11d), 3 (15d), 4 (22d), 5 (31d)
- Cleansing kit.
- Daily detox tea.
- Daily practical & theoretical yoga classes
- Mala string of beads energized by Yogachariya Dr. S.K.Pandey-Ji
- Study materials
- Herbs suggestions for well-being
- Accompanying and supporting during time of staying in the Institute, help provided 24 Hours
Optional for extra payment:
- Extra days of accommodation.
- Additional activities.
- Airport transfer.
- Ayurvedic procedures and consultation more then mentioned above
- Detailed Aura check-up with providing of written report about Aura statement, disturbances in Aura if they are present, supporting methods and treatment advises of naturopathic specialist (individual plan of asana postures, pranayama, herbs, meditative practice).
- Full astrological consultation with detailed explanation of planet position, disturbances, methods of correction, suggestions in career, family life, marriage, prevention of diseases.
06:00 – 06:30 | Wake Up And Cleansing. |
06:30 – 07:00 | Shatkriya And Herbal Tea (Yogic Cleansing With Jala Neti (Special Techniques Of Nose Cleansing), Pooja (Mantra Recitation & Fire Ceremony Purification). |
07:00 – 08:30 | Asanas practical class Hatha/Ashtanga style (depending on the week schedule): learning the asana postures under the guiding of experienced Yoga teacher. |
08:30 – 09:30 | Pranayama: breathing exercises. |
09:30 – 10:30 | Breakfast: Special Yogic Menu. |
10:30 – 11:30 | Yoga philosophy/ayurveda. |
11:30 – 12:30 | Free time/therapy time. |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 – 16:00 | Free time/therapy time. |
16:00 – 17:30 | Ashtanga Vinyasa/Hatha Yoga (theory & practice): number of physical postures according to study program. |
17:30 – 18:30 | Yoga Nidra/ guided Meditation: guided relaxation practice, meditation and concentration. |
18:30 – 19:30 | Dinner. |
19:30- 22:00 | Free Time. |
22:00 – 06:00 | Sleep. |
Retreat Program*:
Yoga-Philosophical Aspects:
- Human Life: Meaning & Aim of Life.
- Yoga – Introduction / it‘s origin & development.
- Introduction of Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutras.
- Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga – Yama, Niyama (social and personal rules and regulations) Asana (physical posture), Pranayama (breathing techniques)
- Concept of three bodies and it’s role in yoga practice
- Introduction in Karma, Raja Yoga. Meaning, Types, role in yoga
- Kosha and it’s role in Meditation & Pranayama
- Concept of 5 Koshas
- 3 Nadis, Ida, Pingala, Sushumna. Their role in practice
- Chakras, general concept & role in daily life
- Panch-Klesha (Five Causes Of Pain & Miseries) / causes of succsess and failure in Yoga
- Earth, Water, Fire element affirmation in sutras
- Samkhya Darshan, Vedanta Darshan
- Nadis & chakras, general concep
- What is Kundalini energy, ways of activation
- Kundalini & Chakra
- Concept of Gunas
- Prakriti & Purusha
- Discipline of Yoga student
- Obstacles in the path of yoga

Yoga practical aspects:
Asana (beginner, intermediate and advanced level):
- Natural Relaxation Asana.
- Natural standing Asana with External Rotations.
- Forward bending Asana.
- Backward Extensions.
- Spinal Twisting Asana.
- Inverted Asana.
- Balancing Asana.
- Surya-Namaskara.
- Meditation Asana.
- Thunder-Bolt (vajrasana) Group Asana.
- Lotus (Padmasana) Group Asana.
Prenatal Yoga-Asana Practical Aspects
Asana special adapted for conception and pregnancy preparation
- Bending postures
- Relaxation poses
- Standing Postures
- Sitting postures
- Supine postures
- Stretch postures
- Surya-Namaskar
- Meditation Asanas
Pranayama & Mudras:
- Introduction to Pranayama.
- Basic Pranayama Techniques & Benefits (Abdominal breathing, Preparational breathing, Kapalabhati, Nadi Shodana with/without retention, Ujjayi breathing, Bramari, Bhastrika, Shitali, Shitkari, Surya Bheda & Chandra Bheda, Ujja).
- The pranic body.
- Parana and lifestyle.
- Breathe, health and pranayama.
- Breathing and life span.
- Sitting Positions for Pranayama
- Kriyas (Body Cleansing Methods): (Neti, Kapalabhati, Trataka, Shanka Prakshalana)
- What is mudra and bandha
- What is Ashwini Mudra, its role in energy body
- Dyana, Ajali, Prithvi, Varuna, Shakti, Gyana, Chin, Shambhavi, Khechari Mudra, Hansi mudra, Vayu mudra, akash Mudra, Shunya Mudra, Surya mudra, Jalodarnashak mudra, Apan mudra, Pran Mudra, shankh mudra, Apan Vayu Mudra, Ling Mudra, Dhyan Mudra, Lotus Mudra)
- Moola, Uddyana Bandha, Jalandra
- .Shatkarma (concept, aim, safety, performance)
- Obstacles in Pranayama practice
- Standard Meditation Practice (Om Meditation, Trataka, Yoga Nidra, Sound meditation, Mantra meditation, Nadis Meditation, 5 elements meditation, Breath meditation, Hamso meditation, Ajapa/japa, Ida/Pingala spinal rotation, Hridayakasha Dharana, Panchaprana Dharana, Pranava Dhyana)
- Visualisation & concentration
- Obstacles in meditation
- Concept of meditation Step by step
- Postures for meditation practice
- How to integrate meditation in yoga class?
- How to choose object for meditation?
Standard Mantras (Guru, Ganesh Mantra, Shakti Mantra, Gayatri Mantra, Shanti Mantra, Shiva Mantra, 5 elements mantra, So Ham, AUM, Lakshmi Mantra, Vishnu Mantra, Mantra for health, business, children)
Yoga therapy/Ayurveda
- Using of number of yogic/ayurvedic methods in supporting and treatment of some diseases
- What is ayurveda
- Concept of 3 Dosha
- How to identify the dosha
- 6 tastes and their function for balance of body and mind